On Episode 7 of The Disruptive Mindset Podcast we spoke to Shuchita Shukla about automating talent acquisition. Shuchita is the head of talent within GlobalLogic, the company on a mission to create sustainable and responsible digital products. With almost a decade of experience, Shuchita has sourced talent on a global level, from recent graduates to senior executives. She told us about her experiences and how we can implement automation into our recruitment practices.
You’ve been working on an automation project, could you tell us about that?
There is not enough digital talent. Organisations like us have to figure out where to find talent, or find a way to make it for ourselves. We’ve been running a project that aims to build our own digital talent. We are in the beta phase already, where we hire people with the base skills and then train them onto digital technologies. Alongside that we’re doing a lot of upskilling and training on digital platforms.
Automation comes in around the entire talent acquisition landscape, from attraction to onboarding. Recruiters are doing multiple manual steps; attracting, resourcing, screening, running reassessments and getting feedback. Connecting with candidates to the point that they stay connected and interested in joining your network takes time. Our automation landscape reduces the time we spend on processes. The system takes over doing the mundane things so that our people can do more complex tasks, like more one-on-one conversations where they act as career coaches and counsellors and support these candidates through their journey. It has helped us think with more agility and made us more scalable.
Would you say it’s been a success?
What we are seeing already is that the conversations have become more educated. Because the candidates are going through online assessments or doing training online, there is scientific information about the candidates credibility. It’s been a very difficult and interesting journey at the same time, because convincing recruiters to use automation hasn’t been easy.
What advice would you give to someone else trying to automate their recruitment process?
What we are doing is the future of getting the best-in-class talent. At the same time, we need to make the current systems ready for it. Change management, ensuring that people see value in the process and getting everybody on board is important. Not everybody will be, but that’s when you find your ambassadors and run pilots. That gives you success stories that everybody can latch on to. That’s been our biggest lesson so far.
To hear more about what Shuchita and her team at GlobalLogic are doing, tune into the full episode of The Disruptive Mindset Podcast on Spotify here and Apple Podcast here.

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