Disruptive Superpowers
Our superpowers are a combination of executive search, leadership coaching and data-driven insights that elevate our recruitment solutions. The three Disruptive Superpowers support your employer brand perception and thought leadership, putting you at the forefront of tech hiring. Led by a former global hiring lead, Disruptive understands what it takes to be successful in your sector.

The Disruptive Difference
We don’t just use our superpowers to improve your hiring process. We also have the expertise and lived experience to support the work that we do to improve gender diversity in the tech space. We’re different. We’re Disruptive.

Wholly women-owned business

Gender diverse team

Executive coaching for all female leaders

How Disruptive is your Leadership Hiring?
Find out where your management team’s weaknesses are and how you could improve your hiring strategies with this free 5 minute questionnaire.
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